Advansure® Junior Plant Milk
Saiz Pek | 包装尺寸
Berat bersih | 净重 : 800 g
Bahan | 成分
Organic Tri Quinoa, Isolated Pea Protein, Germinated Brown Rice, Flaxseed Oil, Prebiotics Inulin, DHA Algae Omega (48%), Vanilla Powder, Probiotic (Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Casei, Lactobacillus Bulgaricus, Bifidobacterium Longum, Streptococcus Thermophilus), Seaweed Calcium, Phosphatidylserine.
Cadangan Penyajian | 食用建议
Campurkan 1 sudu (30g) serbuk Advansure® Junior Plant Milk ke dalam 150ml air suam. Kisar atau kacau sehingga larut. Sebagai alternatif, Advansure® Junior Plant Milk boleh dimasukkan ke dalam makanan atau minuman harian - panas atau sejuk. Disyorkan 2 hidangan setiap hari.
将1勺(30 克)Advansure® Junior植物奶粉混合到 150 毫升温水中。混合或搅拌直至溶解。或可以添加到日常食物或饮料中(热的或冷的)。建议每天2份。
Maklumat Alergen | 过敏原信息
Tiada alergen.
Advansure® Junior Plant Milk adalah a thoughtfully crafted blend of organic ingredients like Tri Quinoa, Germinated Brown Rice, and DHA Algae Omega. Our nutrient-rich formula includes a unique mix of probiotics and prebiotics, promoting a healthy gut microbiome for improved digestion and overall well-being. It contains Seaweed Calcium for bone health, as well as Phosphatidylserine and Omega-3s that aim to support cognitive function. You can rely on Advansure® Junior Plant Milk for a holistic approach to your child’s health and development to reach their full potential.
Manfaat Advansure® Junior Plant Milk | Advansure® Junior植物奶的益处:
- Bahan organik yang kaya dengan nutrien. | 营养丰富的有机成分。
- Sokongan probiotik & prebiotik. | 益生菌和益生元支持。
- Kalsium rumpai laut untuk tulang yang kuat. | 海藻钙强健骨骼。
- Sokongan otak dan fungsi kognitif. | 大脑和认知功能支持。